Selection of Whole Lamb Roasted 

Anytime, Anywhere, Anything

Roast Lamb Australia RM 1100

Roast Lamb New Zealand RM 1300

Roast Lamb Leg NZ RM320

Kambing Aqiqah Local RM1450

Roast Venisson Aust (Rusa) RM 2400

Roast Lamb Service RM600

Your Selection Will Serve with

Green Garden Salad with Thousand Island

Brown Sauce, Mint Sauce, BBQ Sauce, Chili Sauce

Side Order
Mushroom Soup with Garlic Bread RM 3.50 perhead

Baked Potato RM 2.00 per head

Coleslaw RM 2.00 per head

Potato Salad with Parsley Mayonaise Sauce RM 2.50 per head French Fries RM 2.00 per head

Potato Wedges RM 3.50 per head

Black Pepper Sauce RM 2.00 per head

Ikan Kembung / Pari / Cencaru / Terubuk Bakar

Ayam Percik RM 4.50 peace/ Ayam Golek RM 20.00

Seafood Grill

Grill Sausages RM 2.50 per head

Mix Satay RM 1.20

Nasi / Mee / Meehoon / Kuetiaw Goreng RM 4.50 per head

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the post we are serving london with the best quality lamb neck have a look on or site


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